Inside the Classroom

It was too late as he heard the door open and students begin to file into the classroom. Some relief set in after realizing that every student here was equipped with a Mini-computer and it would take no more than a few seconds to instantly connect them to his classes curriculum for the year. Once they all got settled into their seats and started to quiet down Thomas said to the young group, “Hello everyone, I know that I am a new face to most of you but I’m Mr. Sweeney and I will be your English teacher for the year. If you all could open your Mini-computer’s today’s agenda should show up as you are in my classroom’s network.” This was one of the awesome features of the Minitel network: because the government provides it for every citizen, day to day activities involving collaboration with others that are carried out through it become seamless. Well this is what everyone had thought before this day. After Thomas’s introduction the class all reached into their backpacks and pulled out their computers.

Reach into back pack for the Mini-computer